CV-19 restrictions mean the way we arrange and deliver funerals has changed. As Government advice evolves, we’ll explain what is possible and keep you fully up to date.
Current guidance means Track, Trace & Protect forms must be completed by anyone attending a funeral. Simply click here and enter the main contact details for each household. Then send it back to us at [email protected]. It’s also possible to print this form and hand it in to our team on the day.
Details provided will be kept for 21 days only and then commercially destroyed.

Being Covid Conscious from 19 July 2021
In Scotland, restrictions are being eased not abandoned from 19 July 2021. 1m distancing is required both in and outdoors, 15 people from 15 households can meet outdoors, and 10 from 4 households indoors with 1m social distancing – under 12s do not count towards...
Read more Covid-19 updates
Being Covid Conscious from 19 July 2021
In Scotland, restrictions are being eased not abandoned from 19 July 2021. 1m distancing is required both in and outdoors, 15 people from 15...
Further easing of restrictions Summer 2021
The easing of restrictions in June 2021 and a return to regional tiers will influence how many people can attend a funeral. In Scotland, level 1...
Limits easing for funerals
Our staff are delighted to open their branch doors once again for families needing to arrange a funeral as well as those wanting to make enquiries...
2021 Lockdown – Impact on Funerals
We are here for you 24/7 every day of the year. Below is a summary of the latest guidance. Arranging a funeral Please phone us in the first...
Funerals update – December 2020 to January 2021
What are the practical implications for funerals in from December 2020 to early 2021? Arranging a funeral Please phone us in the...
Covid-19 Latest Company advice(28th August 2020)
Read our latests company advice to find out if your local branch is open to the public.
Easing of Restrictions – July 2020
We’re welcoming back our fleet of limousines with bespoke, fully fitted screens to ensure the safety of passengers in line with ongoing distancing...
The top five questions we answered last month
1. If I or members of my family are in isolation, will we miss the funeral? We will keep your loved one safe until the funeral can be properly...
Coronavirus Latest (6th April 2020)
Funerals have changed so much in recent days, here is an update from Tim Purves. The most important thing is that we’re still...
Stricter measures announced to tackle spread of COVID-19 (Covid-19 updates 26th March 2020)
As of 26 March, the way we arrange and deliver funerals has changed again in line with the latest government and industry guidelines....
The Impact of Coronavirus on Funerals – Latest Advice (Covid-19 updates 19th March 2020)
There are significant changes to traditional funeral arranging arising from the coronavirus pandemic which we are monitoring closely. Looking after...
Pandemic Prepared
With questions arising about the continuity of funeral services, we’ve been able to reassure families in areas that we operate, that coronavirus...